WaveReX® M1 & Wavestation Downloads

WaveReX M1 & Wavestation v2.0.0 Mac

WaveReX M1 & Wavestation Mac Software

Kompatibel mit macOS 10.9+

Compatible with macOS 10.9+


WaveReX M1 & Wavestation v1.2.1 Windows (Portable)

WaveReX M1 & Wavestation Windows Software

Benötigt .NET Framework v4.5 oder höher

Requires .NET Framework v4.5 or higher

WaveReX M1 & Wavestation v1.2.1 Windows (Installer)

WaveReX M1 & Wavestation Windows Software

Benötigt .NET Framework v4.5 oder höher

Requires .NET Framework v4.5 or higher

USB Driver Windows 7

Dieser Treiber wird NUR für Windows 7 benötigt. Neuere Windows Versionen enthalten ihn bereits.

This driver is ONLY required for Windows 7. Newer Windows versions already contain it.

WaveReX Handbuch DE

Handbuch Deutsch - Version 1.4


WaveReX Manual EN

Manual English - Version 1.2


DW-8000 Waveforms

Cards at your free disposal. This package contains the 16 internal and the 16 expansion waveforms.


Drum Machines

Cards at your free disposal


Korg T-Series Sound Library

21 disks for the Korg T-Series converted to WaveReX

Xenox Soundset

Frank "Xenox" Neumann / Particular-Sound


Prophet VS Waveforms

Rather for the Korg M1, since the VS waveforms are contained in the Wavestation. Nevertheless, these waveforms are of higher quality than in the internal memory of the Wavestation.


Adventure Kid Waveforms (AKWF)

AKWF is a collection of one cycle waveforms sampled from various sources intended for use as oscillator shapes in samplers and synthesizers.

You find them online at: http://www.adventurekid.se/AKRT


The package currently includes:








WaveReX the Waveform Refill eXpansion
WaveReX® - The Waveform Refill eXpansion for KORG M1, M1R, M3R, Wavestation, Wavestation A/D and T-series
© 2025, WaveReX

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